Film Actor's Showcase 2024- Love Acting
Amid the skyscrapers of New Orleans and on an intimate stage in Baton Rouge, an important event happened on March 28th and 29th, where young, beautiful, budding, green talent offered up their acting skills to be viewed for the first time by casting directors and agents in the surrounding area. As actors we study for years to get ready for moments like these where we vulnerably put ourselves out in the world, waiting for an opportunity to open up in front of us. When I was green and living in LA, I myself went through the showcase process with great hopes of finding my way in this rigorous industry. I grew as an actor and felt proud of the work that I presented to the elite industry people. As far I know, Baton Rouge didn’t have anything like this until I opened Love Acting— it felt like the actors here needed an opportunity to be seen, even if they didn’t have any representation or connections to the industry.
For Love Acting this is the most exciting time of the year. Each actor has a partner and they learn a scene from a movie. They memorize it and get it ready to present over the course of a couple of months. Not only is this the time for the actors to present their work, but it is also a great trust exercise with their scene partners and classmates. It builds confidence and strengthens them. The actor experiences a transformation that takes them from being an amateur to a professional. After it ends, you really feel like an actor.
This year we had 24 students participate in Showcase. In the advanced teen class we had students Emily Bratton, Esther Trahan, Anne Wesley, Sophia Barber, and Julia Mayeux. In the intermediate class we had Cameron Durocher, Chad Durr, Danielle Pollet, Heather Downing, Jané Gabriel, Joelle Stoker, Jordan Mathers, Khloey Dumatrait, Nadia Hamed, Sarah Rasch, and Alaina Canaday. Finally in the advanced class we had Hannah Papizan, Lily Carter, Rachel Elizabeth Murray, Marisa Miranda, D'Andre Lindsey, Johnny Tran, Eric Carney, and Jeremy Omoike.
For the Thursday night performance, we all as a school went down to New Orleans to present to industry professionals, as it’s a good central meeting place for film professionals. Friday night we had friends and family and more creative professionals come to support us at Theatre Baton Rouge. For some students, this was their first time to ever present their acting publicly. For others it was their hundredth. We were so proud of everyone involved.
Bill Martin and Jency Hogan introduce the Love Acting Showcase 2024 on Friday, March 29th at Theatre Baton Rouge.
Acting students Hannah Papizan and Jeremy Omoike perform a scene from Deja Vu.
Acting students Alaina Canaday and Sarah Rasch perform a scene from Monster.
Acting students Cameron Durocher and Jordan Mathers perform a scene from Reservoir Dogs.
Acting students Marisa Miranda and D’Andre Lindsey take a bow.
Acting students Esther Trahan and Sophia Barber.
Acting students Nadia Demah and Joelle Stoker.
Jency Hogan’s Intermediate Adult Class and Advanced Teen Class take a group bow after their performances.
Bill Martin’s Advanced Adult Class take a group bow after their performances.