Spillway- Pilot Premiere in Baton Rouge

When Jason Furrate reached out to see if I could help out with a pilot (a tv show that he wants to pitch to executives with the hope of getting picked up) he was making right here in Louisiana called Spillway, I was thrilled. Then he asked me to cast the parts for some of the characters for the project using our actors at Love Acting. He had a wide variety of interesting characters that seemed fun to think about. Jason Furrate came to the Love Acting Actor’s Showcase in 2023, and after having seen our actors perform that’s why he came to me. It will have its Louisiana premiere on June 30th at the Manship Theatre.

From our school the students that participated were Johnny Tran, Marisa Miranda, Chancelier Xero Skidmore, Joelle Stoker, Paul Adams, Jeremy Omoike, and Alyson Coyle.

Synopsis: “SPILLWAY is a one-hour pilot for a crime series set in south Louisiana starring Damon Lipari as Detective Jack Landry. Detective Jack Landry is attacked, and he kills his assailant. It seems black and white; however, the dead man was working undercover for a different law enforcement agency. After his attorney is murdered, Landry realizes that he is next. He goes into hiding in his childhood stomping grounds –the Spillway in South Louisiana. He must solve the case without his standard law enforcement resources.”

Sources and ticket link to premiere: https://www.manshiptheatre.org/show/spillway-pilot-premiere