A Girl's Best Friends - Unconditional Love

So for my first blog post I wanted to share my sweet little doggies. There are three of them, Lily, Little Dog and Louie. We adopted Lily and Little Dog and we purchased Louie. They are full of kisses, they lick my tears when I cry and they love treats. Like we all do. I don't have children and I personally don't compare them to having children. But I find that they fill our house with laughter on many occasions!! Their cuddles bring me joy and they welcome us home with more excitement than any human could muster up! I can talk to them about things and they are perfect for listening. They just look at me with those cute faces. I have brought Louie to auditions with me when he was a puppy. He waited with a friend in the car while I went in and did the audition. I was so calm when I got to the audition, I thought I need to do this more often.  I ended up booking that audition, I think it was Scream Queens. Thanks Louie!!! If you have have furry friends that you love, I think you will understand the bond that I'm talking about. Doggies are your biggest fans, and Lord knows as an actress we can get enough fans! ha! 

When you adopt a doggie it really is an amazing feeling. I can't handle going into the shelters on most days because I want to take them all home. I feel for them in their tiny cages and I can't help but think about how they feel at night. Our Little Dog was so skinny when we got her, you could see her skeleton in her back. She was so little. Now she is a Little Chubby doggie. Ha! I can't help myself, I give them lots of treats. If you are looking to get a dog here are a few places to look in Baton Rouge. We got Little Dog from Yelp,  there are many more....Companion Animal Alliance,  Freinds of the Animals Baton Rouge, 

I have to thank my husband Aaron Hogan, owner and photographer at Eye Wander Photo for capturing my puppies in such a beautiful way. I'm so glad we took a lot of photos of them when they were small. 

No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich.
-- Louis Sabin

Meet Lily

Meet Lily

Little Dog

Little Dog

Meet Louie Bear

Meet Louie Bear

Lily as a puppy!!! Awe!! My heart melts

Lily as a puppy!!! Awe!! My heart melts

My little buddy

My little buddy

Lily loves to join in the headshot sessions! 

Lily loves to join in the headshot sessions! 



Sweet Lily

Sweet Lily

Ohh my goodness!!! Louie Bear

Ohh my goodness!!! Louie Bear

His little teeth loved to chew, but they never really hurt anything

His little teeth loved to chew, but they never really hurt anything

What's down there? it's me. 

What's down there? it's me. 

She is so good posing!!!! 

She is so good posing!!!! 

Spoiled from the beginning!!! 

Spoiled from the beginning!!!