What Makes Love Acting Different

After taking so many acting classes over the years, my ADD brain had to switch to only taking private acting classes because I do not like the structure of having to sit still and listen for hours while other actors do their scenes. While the theory is true that while you’re watching other actors you do learn, but my specific type of brain who thrives on a good daydream can’t handle this kind of studious repetition. So when I set out to create Love Acting I decided it would be different.

I created a hybrid class that took the best of both worlds from the schools I had gone to over the years and decided that at Love Acting, every other class would be different. One week would be learning acting technique (studying improv and Meisner) which made for a very fun, rambunctious, upbeat, emotional class full of laughter and tears. We’d call this “creative class”. And at the end of creative class, I’d give out scenes for the actors to memorize for the next week’s on-camera scene work. We would then work on technical on-camera rules like understanding eye-lines, how to use your eyes to tell a story, and how to create a world that the audience will believe you know by what you understand about your character.

Having these two contrasting classes back-to-back creates a sense of excitement and surprise that acting students find refreshing after coming from a more traditional class that requires them to sit a lot. And as an acting coach I am never bored, which creates longevity for me as a coach. Young actors have so much to discover. Only doing scene work repetitively is such a limited view of the exciting world of performance. I want to create well-rounded actors who fall in love with the craft as a whole. Learning technique can only strengthen their creative imagination and ability to create characters and feel free and confident when they do get a chance to audition.

Because of the format of this class we have created such strong connection and friendship over the the class over the last ten years. Every time we all leave the classroom we all feel nourished and satisfied and like real growth has taken place.