New Things at Love Acting: Screenwriting Class
As we want to give actors all different types of opportunities to build their tool chest for filmmaking, we decided to offer a screenwriting class taught by Robin Palmer Blanche at Love Acting in Baton Rouge. Our Intro to Screenwriting class will help actors understand story structure and how to write their own content and material. We hope to be able to diversify the classes within Love Acting within the next few years to equip all of our actors to be as successful as possible in the film industry.
Nowadays, actors are expected to create their own content whether it’s within social media content or short films to showcase their talents and create buzz. Even very successful actors keep their careers alive through creating their own content. Being in control of your own content and getting to flex that creative muscle truly gives the actor strong legs to stand on. I think of how in 2017, Sean Baker made a Sundance award winning film on his cellphone called Tangerine, which really encouraged indie filmmakers to get out there and use what they had to create.
I will always encourage actors to wear many hats as they develop their careers. When the calls are not coming in where they’re not booking, actors need to have creative outlets, whether it be developing a new talent like horseback riding or playing the cello, or developing their talents as filmmakers. A good film always starts with a good screenplay, and without a good screenplay you shouldn’t move forward in production. I’ve definitely learned this the hard way. It’s also very vulnerable to write because it forces you to put your ideas there out into the world, just like when you’re acting.
There are parallels that can affect each other— an actor can take risks through their writing that will enhance their ability to risks as actor. Both mediums can go hand in hand. Check screenwriting with Robin Palmer Blanche this April at the studio. Sign up here: