Sundance 2018 Highlights!!!!- Dreams do come True Jency HoganJanuary 31, 2018sundance film festival, film, filmmaker, Louisiana International Film Festival, Louisiana filmmaker, Louisiana, love, rock and roll, Blaze, Blaze 2018, Ethan Hawke
Seed of the Free Premiere Actress LeCourtney Harness is amazing in this film. Read More filmmaking, films, Sojourner Truth, historical drama, Louisisana Film Prize, directing, producing, , acting, love acting, hogan productionsJency HoganSeptember 22, 2017Louisiana Film Prizeacting, directing, producing, filmmaker, Short films, happy, actress, indie film, Louisiana filmmaker
Louisiana International Film Festival #5 Jency HoganMay 9, 2017LIFF, Louisiana International Film Festival, Short films, Feature films, Dan Ireland, filmmaker
Thailand Goodness TravelJency HoganMarch 21, 2017Thailand, travel photography, dream, culture, photography Comment
A Girl's Best Friends - Unconditional Love Jency HoganMarch 9, 2017mans best friend, doggies, dogs, happy, eye wander photo, puppies, yorkie poo, mixed breed, adoption, adopt don't shop, photography, pups, cute dogsComment